What is the seating for the festival?
We will be on the grass under a large tent, so feel free to bring your own pillows, blankets, and chairs. Please note that seating is always open and that there are no reserved seats. In the spirit of community, if you leave your blanket or cushion unattended under the tent, others are also welcome to share those with you.
If I bought a ticket online (i.e Kickstarter or BrightStar Events), do I need a physical copy of the ticket?
You do not need a physical copy of your ticket. We have all your information, and it will be ready for you at the registration desk when you arrive.
What happens if it rains?
We will still have the festival and we will all be under the big tent enjoying the rain!
What is the venue like?
We will be at a venue that is in and surrounded by nature, so you can find nature's creatures, mosquitoes, bugs, etc., so please bring your bug repellents and check for tics if you are in the grassy or woodsy areas or trails. Also, there is poison ivy in these nature areas, so please be careful.
Blue Lotus Farm & Retreat is beautiful, can we explore the grounds?
Yes, absolutely! There is a labyrinth, trails around the pond and grounds, and a pond to enjoy. Please stay on the trails if you go exploring!
Are kids welcome?
Yes, and they each need their own festival pass. All children need to be supervised at all times, no exceptions.
Is the pool or pond available to use?
The pool will be closed and not available for use during the festival. However, the pond is available, and there will be canoes, kayaks and life jackets for use on the pond. LIFE JACKETS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW IF YOU ARE USING KAYAKS OR CANOES.
Can I still sponsor the event?
Yes! We are grateful to all our angel donors, and we welcome your sponsorship at any time! Sponsor levels are: $500, $1000, $2500, $5000. All sponsor levels are still available at this time at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kirtan-fest-milwaukee-2024-tickets-876352864007?aff=oddtdtcreator
What hotels/accommodations are available?
The closest hotels are located in Grafton, West Bend or Cedarburg. You may also check Wellspring in West Bend, as they often have beds available. If you want information on camping, please email kirtanfestmilwaukee@gmail.com.
Are meals available?
Yes, and they are included in your ticket. Meals are coming from local restaurants (plus oatmeal packets and coffee/tea for breakfast). If you don't purchase your ticket prior to MONDAY JULY 8th, we cannot guarantee that any meals will be available for you at the festival.
What diets will be provided?
All meals will be vegetarian (if you wish to consume meat, please do so off the festival grounds). Vegan and gluten-free options will be available at all meals.
Will drinking water be available?
We will not be selling plastic water bottles, so please bring your own water bottle to re-fill. We will provide filtered water throughout the festival for re-fills.
What things should I bring to the festival?
Good things to bring are suntan lotion, sunglasses, bug and tick spray, water bottle, yoga mat, blankets, pillows, chair, your favorite vegetarian snacks, flashlight, cash for vendor goodies, and rain gear if needed.
What should I wear?
Wear comfortable clothes! We recommend dressing in layers, as the nights may be cooler and the days can be hot in July. This is a casual festival, so bring your comfy clothes! No banana hammocks please!
Can I bring my dog?
We have one resident dog who loves people (and might steal your food if you're not looking!). Other dogs will not be allowed for this festival.
Will there be vendors?
We are not accepting additional vendors at this time. There will be a variety of vendors offering their goodies that you'll want to buy! So bring plenty of cash for fun!
Will there be bodyworkers?
We do not have any bodyworkers as yet coming to the festival. We are open to having one, so if you are a bodyworker who would like to come, please message us!
Are tickets transferable?
Yes! Please let us know who you transfer your ticket to so we can have their information for our festival details emails and registration table.
Are tickets refundable?
No, but they are transferable (see above).
We have a zero-tolerance policy for any mind-altering drugs, psychedelics, or alcohol. If you are under the influence of alcohol or any mind-altering drugs including marijuana, your registration will be revoked – with no refund – and you will be asked to immediately leave the festival grounds.